Little Christmas Trees with a Train Kids Project

These are just the cutest Christmas trees with a working train that goes around them. These are for on top of a child's dresser. Found everything at a local dollar store and the best part was seeing their faces light up like the Christmas tree when plugged in!!


What you will need:

This is so inexpensive to make!

The dollar store had the wind-up train, very tiny tree, light with LED for the tree and decorations.

I filled the cute little pail with fake snow cover, and place the trees on a round red tree skirt.

I also bought the pail there to put the tree in.

Nothing hard about this one.

Just look at the photos and build the tree.

The Kids

The kids got so excited and their mom used this as a night light!

They really loved having their own tree in their rooms.

Festive and pretty anywhere in the house.

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